View Profile J3envolio

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I'm going to be honest.

The animation was shoddy. The voice acting was pornography grade, at best. BUT! Good story line. I quite liked it. Dragged on a little bit but it was quite funny. Although the speech just annoyed me after a while. The guy just talked to slowly. The fact that the subtitle's were at the bottom didn't help either.

But apart from all that it wasn't to bad. I do have to say that I think the story saved it really.


P.S. There's a mistake with the subtitle's. I forgot which bit, but about halfway in the voice says "little" but the subtitles say "small".

Honestly Honest.

Brilliant! Great Idea, great voice acting, great sound effects. Shame about the graphics. Plus, smoother animation wouldn't be to bad either.

Still very funny and quite an original idea. I liked it.

Keep it up; j3en.

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6 Game Reviews

Kinda boring really.

Don't get me wrong. The graphics, animation and soundtrack were all brilliant and fitted the style perfectly. The only problem I have with it is that it's insanly boring. I'd have more fun playing "shoot 5 iPods to win a Kia" or something like that.

Everything else about it is brilliant! It's just a shame that I get bored easily.

Have fun;

uote litterally brilliant.

Loved the idea there Turtleboy! I don't think I've ever seen a game like this before. The background music fitted the game perfectly (that's actually how I found this game). The only thing I would comment on is the graphical side of things. Although it was a simple game, you could have put more thought into the graphics used. I understand the 8-Bit feel you're trying to get here, but even games on the Atari had at least a little bit of detail and depth.

Turtleboy28 responds:

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /509011

New version is up with better graphics.

Recent Audio Reviews

24 Audio Reviews

Well That Was Trippy

I've got a new way of deciding if a song's good or not. Open my window, turn up the speakers and see what the people of Stockton, England think. They quite liked it. HOWEVER, I do have some issues with it.

The fade out at 1:12 seems too sudden, there was hardly any transition. If you opened this up a bit not only would you increase the length of the song but it'd just sound better.

The glitch at 1:55 was great but, again, if you lengthened it out and made it more rhythmic then I think it'd work better.

I really love the mane leads you have going here (2:30). They complement each other very well, but I think you have some mastering issues. The second lead (sounds like a square) may need to be turned down a bit. Sounds like it's drowning everything else out.

Everything else works great. The outro's brilliant and a good way to end things

Overall, Ima giving this 8/10, it's great but still needs work. 5/5 because all publicity is good publicity. ^^

Have fun;

TiGeR responds:

Hey J3envolio!

LOL, you exposed my song like that? Awesome haha xD. Please do so with the other tracks of mine aswell ;)!

And while I see what you mean, most of these things you mention I already looked into and thanks to it I have learned what I should and shouldn't do in future songs (keep in mind this one's uploaded almost a year ago :P. I barely gave this song any mixing or mastering whatsoever, which I since then have learned is very important!). Still, thanks a lot for taking interest and giving critics, they're always welcome!



Well that was nice!

3:18 = EPIC

That's simply all I have to say on the matter;



They're often overlooked when it comes to NewGrounds yet they can be brilliantly placed if they're given the right amount of attention.

Unfortunately, I feel that you've given them too much attention and the beat that you've chosen to use is very glitchy. Now admittedly this worked very well at 0:51 but once the drop happened it felt very out of place, with the drum syncopation at the end of every 4 bars. It's a good idea but I think this track would sound better and more full if you'd stuck to the general drum & bass drum line.

Apart from that, this is an excellent track! Loving the gritty feel you've given it and very much like the 8-bit synths you've used through-out. I have to say that I do agree with you on that synth sounding as though it's whispering.

I've never listened to any of yoru stuff before so I'm not sure how dark this is but I'll give them an ear after this!

Have fun;

TiGeR responds:

Thanks for a brilliant review.

As you hear at the end of every 2nd bar I've done a very marking syncopation. Not only the drums but the bass aswell. The drum beat is the essence of what DnB is so I thought I'd add something new to it, thus adding the very marking syncopes at every (actually it's not every but still...) 2-bar-end. To make the song more of my own if you know what I mean. Personally I think it adds a very "jumpy" feeling to the song and personally I find it very ear-soothing in a sense. You know, a very catchy feel to the beat. Glitchy? Please explain further :)

Could aswell mention I add fills here and there to add some general variety. Anyway, I definetly see what you mean about the general drum beat, but personally I thought it would've sound really well like they are now when I first submitted the song. I'll take your criticism in consideration for my upcoming songs.

And dude, you being this constructive at (what personally is) my best song, you're gonna flame my other three songs to death xD. You should avoid Altocumulus if you're not into "glitchy" drums ;)

Anyway, thanks again for this review. I think it's the best I got for this song so a big + to you :p. I'm glad you enjoyed the song and I hope the drums don't ruin your "Susurration-experience" :)


PS: Could aswell point out that this song is by far my darkest ;p


Joined on 6/11/07

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